Fundraiser Email Templates

Instructions: Copy and paste the Email Templates and replace your organization’s information where needed.

Template #1:

Did you know that your gently worn sneakers could help (insert your cause/message)?

Well, they can and here’s how…Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell; All we need is your support and your gently worn, used, or new sneakers!

Here’s how you can help:

Start in your and your family’s closets and gather as many pair of sneakers that you no longer want; maybe you’ve out-grown them, they’re out of style, or out of season. If you and your household have 20 pairs, great! If not, don’t worry. You can ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and anyone in your social networks to help out. Every pair counts!

The sneakers that we all collect will help raise money to support our program AND will help our environment by keeping sneakers out of landfills.

Can we count on you?

Template #2:

It’s hard to believe that an estimated 600 million pair of shoes go into America’s landfills every year! 100% of these shoes can be recycled and the majority of these shoes can still be reused. That’s why we have decided to start a sneaker drive fundraiser with GotSneakers. The sneakers that we collect through the GotSneakers program will help us raise much needed funds AND will keep sneakers out of landfills. Talk about a win-win!

Can you collect 15-20 pair of sneakers to help us out? With your help, we can achieve great results! If you can’t collect 15-20 pair, don’t worry. Just collect as many pair as you can. Every pair counts!

Template #3:

So far we have received (number) bags with 15-20 pairs of gently worn, used, and new sneakers. That puts us at (%) of our goal. We are doing great but we still need your help, and time is of the essence!

Please take a moment to look through your closets and to ask your neighbors and friends to do the same. We are counting on you!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to help us raise money and make a difference!

Template #4:

We have collected (number) bags with 15-20 pair of gently worn, used, and new sneakers. That leaves us only (%) from our goal.

If you haven’t collected and donated your sneakers yet, please try to collect them as soon as possible as we will be wrapping up our sneaker drive campaign very soon.

Remember, every pair helps. We are sincerely thankful for all of your support!

Template #5:

Thank you to everyone who participated in our sneaker drive fundraiser! With your support and effort, we have reached our goal! Congratulations to everyone who contributed!

We sincerely appreciate your help and we look forward to your partnership next year. Please contact us if you have more sneakers!

Thank YOU!

Do You Have Questions?

Feel free to send us a question by filling out the form below!

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