How To Use the Funds From Your PTA Fundraiser

If you’re part of the PTA for your child’s school, you might be unsure about how to spend the funds that you collect through fundraisers. You will probably get requests from teachers and other school staff to allot some of the funds for certain items and projects.

You could simply turn over the funds to the school administration to use as the staff sees fit. However, there’s a chance that the money won’t be used in line with the vision, missions, and goals of the PTA.

Instead, it’s important to clear the blurred lines when you and the other members of your PTA decide how to allocate the funds. Let’s delve deeper into these aspects and how to use funds from your PTA fundraiser.

PTA Vision, Missions and Goals

The vision of the PTA is focused on making the potential in every student a reality. To that end, the PTA aims to be a powerful voice for kids, a resource for the community and families, and a strong supporter of every child’s education and well-being.

The PTA’s goals are to advocate for the welfare of students, improve the standards of their home lives, and push for sufficient legislation for child care and protection. It also aims to encourage teachers and parents to cooperate with regards to education. Additionally, the PTA is there to develop a united effort between teachers and the general public to secure the best mental, physical, spiritual and social education possible.

General Uses for PTA Funds

While all PTAs share the same vision, missions, and goals, each local sector faces different challenges. Because of that, your PTA must assess the needs of your school and develop a program that addresses its unique concerns.

In general, you can use PTA funds to ensure that students’ learning environment is comfortable and safe. You can allocate money toward adequate curriculum tools, textbooks, equipment to meet basic needs, enrichment programs, and educational events.

For example, your PTA could fund after-school programs for reading, math, drama, art, and music. On the other hand, you could use it to fund activities and events that promote family involvement at school in order to strengthen parents’ relationships with school staff. Still yet, you can support health, physical education, and safety programs.

If possible, you can designate PTA funding across several of these categories.

Deciding How Much Funding Goes Where

Even with these ideas on how to use funds from your PTA fundraiser, it could be difficult to decide how much money goes toward each activity or program that you and the other members choose to support. Additionally, you need to decide how much of the funds will go toward school-related needs and faculty appreciation.

You should base your decision on how dire the funding is for each program or need.

Hold a Sneaker Drive for Your Next PTA Fundraiser

Part of being a PTA member involves choosing fundraisers to meet your goals for the year. GotSneakers makes fundraising easy with our free sneaker drive fundraiser.

You simply request a Starter Kit that includes sneaker collection bags and pre-paid shipping labels, and start collecting used sneakers in your community! Once you send them in to us we’ll pay you up to $3 per pair of sneakers! We even provide advertising materials for social media posts and emails to help you promote your sneaker drive. We look forward to working with you!


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