5 Unique Ideas to Promote Your Holiday Athletic Shoe Drive

A GotSneakers shoe drive is the perfect way to raise money around the holidays. People strapped for cash from buying presents and giving monetary donations to other causes probably still have a pair of athletic shoes they can share. How can you let them know you’re collecting?

Post All About It

Get active on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with your fundraising crew, and fill followers’ feeds with quick snippets of info about your athletic shoe drive. Include a call-to-action that asks your friends to call you or message you for more information about your athletic shoe drive.

Leverage All the Publications

Does the company you work for have a newsletter? How about your child’s school? Is there a community newspaper with significant local distribution?

Write up a blurb about your fundraiser, being sure to mention what a great way it is to clear old athletic shoes out of the closet, and share how those shoes can benefit recipients in impoverished countries.

If others in your organization have access to more publication platforms, submit the information through them if they can help!

Get Interviewed

Contact local radio and television stations, and tell them about your athletic shoe drive. Explain why you’re holding it and why it’s a recycle old sneakers so they don’t end up in landfills.

Because so many stations now stream their programming over the internet, or through apps, in addition to broadcasting live on the air, this option gives you the potential to reach a much wider audience than in the past.

Find a Famous Face

Nothing boosts exposure like celebrity endorsements. Sift through your own network and the networks of everyone on your team to see if anyone has connections to well-known figures in or around the community.

Reach out to them regarding your athletic shoe drive. Ask if they’ll help spread the word about your cause by being the face of your campaign.

Blog the Journey

Start a free blog with a service like Blogger or WordPress to document your fundraising journey. Share the ups and downs of your campaign, announce upcoming collection events and post pictures of your team bagging donated shoes. People love reading good news, and giving them a little extra cheer is a fun way to prompt them to donate.

Use these unique tactics to tap into the generosity everyone feels around the holiday season and bring in as many athletic shoes as possible for your shoe drive.


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