Getting Your Neighborhood Involved in a Sneaker Drive

Sneaker drives are a great way to raise awareness of recycling while also helping the secondhand economy receive affordable shoewear. Involving your neighborhood brings an opportunity to interact with members of your community and promote sustainable consumption habits within multiple homes. Below is a roundup of tips on successfully getting your neighborhood involved in a sneaker drive.

Incentivize the Drive

We all love a good incentive! A good suggestion for when you’re planning a neighborhood sneaker drive would be to offer rewards for the most sneakers turned in!

With a GotSneakers campaign, the more sneakers you turn in, the more you can earn. The money used from the fundraiser could go to a local charity or be used during the next neighborhood block party – the possibilities are endless!

Spread the Word

The idea is to mobilize as many participants in your neighborhood as possible. Where applicable involve local schools, small businesses, conservation clubs, and relevant environmental protection agencies. As one might imagine, sending word out to such a large number of participants involves a bit of elbow grease but with a strategy and the right social media tools, you can totally nail it.

The idea is to communicate the sneaker drive well ahead of time to as large an audience as you can find. Instagram and Facebook are great places to start with WhatsApp and similar instant messaging apps are also available. To build on the excitement for the drive, you could create videos, design colorful posters, and flyers urging participation and the aims of the sneaker drive.

With GotSneakers, we provide you all of the marketing materials that you can use via email and social media to maximize your efforts!

Document the Experience

Part of the rewarding experience should involve documenting the entire activity. Encourage your neighbors to post photos of the shoes they are donating to the cause with a special hashtag. At the end of the fundraiser, you can use the hashtag from social media to truly get a glimpse at how the community came together to make a positive impact on the planet.

With a community sneaker drive, you’ll incur minimal costs while reaping the benefits of awareness and conservation efforts.

Excited to get your neighborhood involved in a sneaker drive but not sure where to start? Get in touch with our team to learn how you request your FREE Fundraising Kit and make a difference in your community.

Starting a fundraiser with GotSneakers is easy and 100% free! Our team will send you everything you need to be successful including, shoe collection bags and marketing materials. The shoe collection bags come with prepaid shipping labels attached to them, making it easy to drop off your bags at your local UPS or FedEx store.


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