Your Jump-Start Guide to a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Are you ready to reduce the environmental impact of everything you do? Don’t worry, it doesn’t require a complete lifestyle overhaul. Here are four simple changes you can make right now to move toward more sustainable habits.

Eat More Plants

Eating a 2000-calorie diet where meat takes center stage contributes 2.5 times more greenhouse gas into the environment than the same diet with no animal products at all. Meat also requires more water and other precious resources to produce than vegetables.

Try switching to meatless meals a few days a week and shop closer to home for your ingredients. Buying from local farmers markets dramatically reduces the amount of fuel required for food transportation and can provide better nutrition for you and your family.

Ditch the Single-Use Habit

If you kept a list of everything you threw out after one use over the course of the day, you’d probably be shocked by the results.

Cut back on trash by:

• Switching to reusable shopping bags
• Investing in cloth napkins
• Using jars and containers to store food
• Cleaning with microfiber rags instead of paper towels
• Buying rechargeable batteries
• Purchasing natural cleaning products in bulk and re-using the bottles

It’s easy to go one step further and switch all your paper bills to digital statements. Taking advantage of automatic payments also reduces stress, since you don’t have to try to remember when everything is due.

Embrace Secondhand Everything

Thanks to the internet, you can get just about anything secondhand. Online thrift shops, such as Thredup, and consignment stores offer top brands at discount prices, and many of the items are in like-new condition. Sites like Craigslist and Freecycle are gold mines for used appliances, furniture, and electronics.

Get Greener Kicks

Many manufacturers are getting inventive with materials to minimize the waste involved in producing and disposing of shoes. The next time you need footwear, consider purchasing a pair made from reclaimed, recycled or completely recyclable materials.

Give your old athletic shoes a new life by sending them to GotSneakers to be reused or recycled. Learn more about what GotSneakers does with old shoes today.

See how easy it is to start going green? As you change your approach to a few little things in your life, you become more prepared to embrace bigger changes for a greater impact later o


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